Monday, January 31, 2011

Treatment of hyperthyroidism-natural and synthetic remedies

Hyperthyroidism is one of the most common hormonal disorders of the thyroid gland of our time. Many people suffer from this condition. Although it affects both genders, but more often in women over 50.

The thyroid is one of the major endocrine glands in humans and it is located in the front of the throat. Hormone main function is to control your metabolism. Hyperthyroidism is a disease of the thyroid gland, which occurs when cancer highlights many too high amounts of thyroxine or triiodothyronine T3 and T4 hormones or in excess of what the body needs.

If just a bit skewed strict procedure for the formation of hormones, everything can go wrong. During the development of toroidal hormones many factors that are involved in the production of T3 and T4 hormones can take a wrong turn. This is what occurs in hyperthyroidism. Grow gland cells, change their function and their secretion increases. Therefore, thyroid, develops and allocates more hormones into the bloodstream.

Due to the effects on the metabolism of hyperthyroidism causes fast digestion and absorption of some substances in food. This explains why people with this disorder was slim and their skin, cold and dry.

Due to the study and improvement of medical technology now have new ways to treat hyperthyroidism. There are different types of treatments for hyperthyroidism, are now available both natural and synthetic remedies. The complex includes surgery or thyroidectomy-partial or total removal of a thyroid gland. This is all the more if this is the case of thyroid cancer. You also have anti-thyroid medication or therapy of radioactive iodine. Some remedies include only synthetic hormones regulate the secretion of hormones.

If you want to have your thyroid removed surgically, you should understand that there are some risks associated with using this method, so you have to consider the consequences. Especially after thyroidectomy, your body will miss the ability to produce toroidal hormones. This will be fully reimbursed for certain treatments which include production of synthetic hormones.

Selecting anti-thyroid medication or radioactive iodine therapy as a treatment for hyperthyroidism can be very risky, but because it's more unnatural treatment. Guess the number of substances, you'll have to put into your system, every time you take a dose of synthetic drugs or you can pass off therapy.

On the other hand there are many natural hyperthyroidism treatment and remedies that are constantly being produced by researchers. They've developed a series of tablets based on extracts of natural herbs that have proven useful for the treatment of thyroid diseases.

An example of this herb is Lycopus europea. Not only will this herb to reduce levels of toroidal hormone, but it also inhibits the synthesis of hormones. Treatment of this herb has proved very effective without any major side effects.

All in all if you have such disorders, it can easily be viewed in different ways. It depends on what you expect and what you want for yourself. Usually your doctor can recommend the best treatment, based on experience.

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Is there a connection between low thyroid function and libido?

The effects of hypothyroidism is its potential impact on sexual desire and performance. Connection between low thyroid function and libido can be both physical and psychological. Since people with sluggish thyroid often overweight and chronically tired, they often do not feel like having sex or may have a poor body image, preventing sexual desire. In addition to other hormones, the thyroid hormones affect sexual desire and performance, and low levels of these hormones may decrease libido.

Although it is not known how many people with sexual dysfunction have thyroid gland, low libido, common complaints among people with hypothyroidism. The good news is that there are a number of things you can do to increase sexual desire, especially when it is suspected in connection between low thyroid function and libido.

Start with those who have sexual difficulties of any kind should use his or her thyroid hormone levels checked. TSH levels should be checked, in addition to the level of thyroid hormones T3 and T4. If one has been diagnosed with hypothyroidism or sluggish thyroid, is determined on the basis of tests, it is important to find the best way to treat it according to individual needs and preferences.

When you've saved low thyroid function and libido problems ...

It's not uncommon for people with low thyroid function and libido issues found that sexual symptoms still waiting even after optimized treatment of thyroid hormone. If you receive treatment is correct and your libido does not improve, other hormone supplements can help.

Levels of testosterone and DHEA hormone precursors should be checked for both men and women, and women should also have the levels of estrogen and progesterone are defined. In each of these low levels of hormones, additives may be required in addition to the thyroid medication or supplements. There may also be co-existing conditions that contribute to low libido, such as diabetes, high blood pressure or depression. Thorough physical must be conducted to help identify any other conditions that may be considered.

Herbs that can help

In addition to traditional medicine, there are a number of food additives that may help increase sex drive in cases of low thyroid function and libido. These include herbs such as ginseng and Damian maca.

As already mentioned connection between low thyroid function and libido may be due to lack of energy or sense of being unpleasant due to being overweight. Diet and exercise are important also for many other reasons, can help to increase libido. Exercise is not only important for weight loss, but also increase the level of energy and mood. Healthy diet, not only low-calorie diet weight loss patch, also help replenish nutrients that can function poorly when low thyroid and libido. To find out more information about the nutrients go to low thyroid function and libido.

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Better ways to control hypothyroidism and weight gain

Among the most severe hormonal disorders are those that affect the thyroid gland. This is one of the most important endocrines in the human body, like any other glands awhile malfunctions especially today, when stress takes possession of our daily lives.

Hypothyroidism is associated with many symptoms, depending on the State of disorder. Early state is characterized by weight gain, fatigue, depression, low heart rate, brittle nails and hair and a host of other characters.

In severe cases, symptoms include slow speech, slow thinking, low body temperature, dry skin, drowsiness and irregular menstrual cycle for women. People who receive early treatment is usually a degenerate chronic state. Fortunately there are both natural and unnatural processes, which may give you the best ways to control hypothyroidism and weight gain.

It is an ideal place for a patient to go to early diagnoses, once they noticed some symptoms associated with this disease. Of course, the sooner it is diagnosed, the easier it is to manage. Here the truth is that much more can easily be reversed any condition that is detected in time. Hypothyroidism also causes swelling, cold skin and goiter. According to the seriousness of the disease cure may be natural remedies, or of special drugs medications prescribed by your doctor. Medication should regulate the amount of hormones and bring it to a normal level, the body requires to function.

One of the best ways to control hypothyroidism and weight gain is special treatment based on synthetic toroidal hormones. This therapy may be drugs or with injections. Conventional treatment of thyroxine, triiodothyronine T3 and T4, either separately or as a cocktail. compared with hyperthyroidism you get completely opposite symptoms and does not require a lot of ways to be seen. Of course there are many natural ways to cure, which also include herbal and medicinal plants. These natural treatments much much better than synthetic drugs, as they don't have many side effects from synthetic drugs.

Coping with weight due to hypothyroidism can be managed with the right treatment of couples with proper diet, you can try is managed by telling your doctor and a special diet, they can follow. They may also try to adhere to certain groups or online forums where people have thyroid problems, and share their stories. Learn from each other could be very useful, especially if the patient has a low morale.

All in all cope with goiter and tries to control it with the right medication and finding the best ways to control hypothyroidism and weight gain can be challenging if you don't know where to turn, but you should always think about what will happen next, because the questions of the future. In any case, it's always better to you to solve problems head on.

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Hypothyroidism: how to lose weight

Problem losing weight can be difficult for most people. However, for someone suffering from hypothyroidism, it can be even more complicated because they must work hardest to maintain their current weight.

The condition affects approximately 1% of the world's population, and although it commonly affects older women, it can be diagnosed with both men and women of all ages. A condition can test a simple blood test and depending on the severity of the condition; It may include treatment of substitution therapy. Typically weight gain could be arrested while taking a course of treatment, the patient should expect to increase the weight, if treatment is stopped at any time; This means that treatment is usually required for life after its launch.

Typical symptoms of hypothyroidism include rapid weight gain due to reduced metabolism, average weight gains of 5 to 10 pounds, has experienced, although in General, the higher the weight, the more severe cases. Other symptoms include weakness, hair loss, flaky skin or, feet and hands, feeling cold, reduce heart rate and General tiredness and lethargy of not producing enough energy producers of thyroid hormones.

Although weight loss can be difficult for a person who has been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, it's not impossible if the course of diet and activity. It is very important to conduct regular daily exercise, if it is possible to from 30 minutes to an hour although it should be built up gradually if the patient has not previously taken regular exercise regimes. In the case of someone not been regular exercise regimes be useful to start with 15-20 minutes per day capacity, adding 5 minutes every few days until they reach their recommended time duration.

How stress can also be related to the thyroid gland, it is important that is pleasant too; otherwise, it can also be counterproductive. In cases where implementation can be tricky, for example with the elderly alternative may be to do yoga-make a good combination of stress reduction and gentle. In more extreme cases, meditation is also good for lowering stress.

It's also important to control supply; tiredness and lethargy often cause cravings for sugar, one of the products that really should be avoided, together with products containing high levels of salt.

Food is universally recognized that good for sufferers of hypothyroidism are not processed and contains sources of iodine and selenium. Fatty fish such as salmon and tuna is particularly good as snapper, shrimp and cod. It is also important to maintain a good balance of vitamins B6, C and E, which are required for good health and vitality. This can be found in the white meats such as chicken, pork and Turkey, as well as fresh fruits such as oranges, strawberries and pineapple. Where possible, this is also good to replace fresh and organic pre-packed and processing, as well as enable roots food such as parsnips and carrots.

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Symptoms of thyroid cancer among women: hypo-thyroid gland very difficult diagnosis

Diseases of the thyroid gland is often misunderstood leading to the diagnosis and treatment of symptoms of thyroid cancer among women. The majority of patients diagnosed with hypo-thyroid gland and the synthetic form of thyroid hormone. One problem with this that thyroid qualify as its own entity and is not considered part of a greater whole within the endocrine system. Symptoms of thyroid cancer among women are just a bit more proverbial pie.

The thyroid gland is the only part, albeit an important one, delicately balanced endocrine system. Another way to look at thyroid gland is how imbalance data of the endocrine system. The majority of patients taking synthetic thyroid hormones will have big long-term management of their condition.

Take a look at thyroid gland and thyroid function, one must bear in mind that many man-made compounds and naturally occurring ones attack the thyroid gland on a daily basis. It can't be just one of those insults, but the combination, led to a failure in the endocrine system.

Chemicals that cause symptoms of thyroid cancer in women include:
Anti-diabetic drugs
sulfa drugs
Estrogen birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy
Aspirin and salicylate pain killers
Food additives in foods

Alcohol and prescription medications will deplete the body of vitamins. This lack of vitamins B, B6, reduces the availability of iodine for thyroid hormone production.

Soy, some nuts and cruciferous vegetables may help low thyroid function, Hypo-thyroid, if eaten in large quantities. These include, cabbage, kale, broccoli, kohlrabi, mustard, water, Lima beans, sweet potatoes, almonds, walnuts and pine nuts. Industry soy actually recognizes that SOI may decrease thyroid function, but only if there is a decline of iodine (see The effects of environmental and dietary compounds as fluorine, chlorine and bromine change production tireoglobulina. These compounds bind inhibit competitive iodine on follicular cells that decrease quality iodothyronine hormones that are produced, or T4 and T3. This may mean that TSH high, may request the diagnosis of hypothyroid, but produces enough hormone, just poor quality of thyroid hormones. The patient can not feel better with synthetic hormones because they cannot bind iodine. (This does not mean that you have to take iodine, if your TSH high, you must have full thyroid Group urges therefore qualified physician can determine where in this complex system due to disharmony).

Thyroid can also be impacted in a negative way but dysfunction or other imbalances in the endocrine system. Cortisol, sex hormones and insulin can affect the thyroid function. Conditions, including fatigue and decreased adrenal gland, hypoglycemia sex drive can all lead to reductions in thyroid function. As stated above, the function of the thyroid gland is very complex and delicate part of the endocrine system. Disparities in one area may cause stress in other areas; It is the duty of the physician to know where the dysfunction, which should be sent to treatment and reassure the patient that she would feel a noticeable improvement in short time.

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Hypothyroidism-how important is this condition?

This is opposite of hyperthyroidism. Hypothyroidism in atrophy (wasting) thyroid and reduction in the secretion. The condition may be due to the pituitary gland, in this case it is referred to as secondary hypothyroidism, but if this is due to the inability of the hypothalamus is higher.

The condition may appear in childhood, in which case it's called cretinism; or in adulthood (Myxoedema).

Cretinism is a term used to describe hypothyroidism children or children who are usually caused by a deficiency of thyroid hormone.
Causes of cretinism
a. genetic defect: for unknown reasons, there is a genetic defect in the formation of the thyroid gland and its ability to secrete enough thyroid hormones that are required by its metabolic activity.
b. goitrous parents: mothers suffering from Zoba may not produce enough thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) needed the fruit in its early stages. So when a child is born it can develop hypothyroidism later in life.
c. pituitary dysfunction: pituitary gland controls the activity of the thyroid gland. Pituitary gland dysfunction automatically affect the thyroid gland and reduces its development and its ability to secrete hormones, causing cretinism among children.
d. iodine: insufficient or total lack of iodine in soil and water special place leads to cretinism among children of the area. This is very common in the mountainous regions.

Signs and symptoms of cretinism
i. the extended language
II. dull facial expression
III. Preriorbital edema
IV. puffy limbs
v. thickened skin and lips
VI. problems feeding
VII. mental retardation
VIII. fetal growth
IX. accumulated temperature
x. coarse features
XI. zažmurit'sâ

a. presentation of signs and symptoms may be key to diagnosis
b. radiograph of the epiphyses in children or ossification of the wrist or heel in infants will show the delay in bone age, compared to the true age of the child.
c. serum Tyroxine: there is usually a low concentration of serum thyroxine during the test.

Myxoedema is the disorder that occurs in adults due to a lack of thyroid hormones. Myxoedema is more common, girls who are 45 years old and above.

Causes of myxoedema
i. exposure: exposure which may apply to treat goiter can lead to the complete destruction of thyroid and subsequently its inability to secrete hormones of the thyroid gland.
II. total thyroidectomy: surgical removal of a thyroid gland in the treatment of severe goiter or hyperthyroidism causes deficiency of thyroid hormone.
III. Goitrogens: consumption of foods high in goitrogen or ingestion of drugs, which contain goitrogen might lead to impairment in thyroid function.
IV. autoimmune chronic tireoidit: for unknown reasons, the body develops antibodies that attack the cells of the thyroid gland. It is a condition that is thyroiditis and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis is psychologically impossible it to produce thyroid hormones of the thyroid gland.
v. anti tyroid drugs: over dosage anti-thyroid drugs lead to hypothyroidism
VI. prolonged iodine
VII. disorder of the hypothalamic pituitary.

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Friday, January 28, 2011

Some facts about thyroid cancer

This article discusses some facts about cancer of the thyroid gland. This gives some statistics from the American Cancer Society (ACS), and other details. Before continuing, please note that the information provided is not intended to be a professional advice in the field of medicine. If you need such advice, please contact someone is willing to offer it.

According to the ACS about 44.670 new cases of thyroid cancer occurs during the calendar year 2010. About three quarters of people estimated to occur in women, with another quarter of men. ACS also mentions that this gland cancers are one of the best in five-year survival rate, at 97%.

Some possible thyroid cancer symptoms include an enlarged lymph node and thyroid nodules. Vocal changes and pain in the front of the neck can occur in later phases. However, the symptoms that seem like these (and even if they are in fact these symptoms) does not necessarily mean that there is a cancer. Please contact someone in the medical field, seek diagnosis rather than try to self diagnose based on those elements.

There are at least five types of thyroid cancer malignant tumor (cancer): anaplastic, follicle, medullârnaâ, papillary and lymphoma. There is also at least one kind of benign tumor of the prostate: adenoma. We treat each type differs and may have various clinical manifestations.

In addition to cancer other thyroid problems can include various types of hyperthyroidism (overactive function), hypothyroidism (underactive function) and anatomic disorders.

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Natural treatment for hypothyroidism-fact or fiction?

With advertising, bombing of us left and right to take a pill for that and take a pill to who does stop to think that perhaps there might be safer alternatives? There are many medical ailments in which there are safer alternatives, natural alternatives. One specific medical conditions is hypothyroidism and hypothyroidism are natural cures.

Hypothyroidism-usual simply stop production of hormones; thyroid gland this condition is the endocrine system and impacts millions of Americans each year. Symptoms of hypothyroidism can vary, and there are many different types, which makes it difficult to diagnose the condition. Why difficult diagnosis? Symptoms are symptoms of many other medical conditions, so it can be difficult to determine what the real cause of the symptoms.

Once diagnosed with hypothyroidism, your doctor will discuss the options that are available and he might think is best for your situation. Your doctor, depending on the low level of hormones, may prescribe medication or if you have other health issues, such as pregnancy, having surgery or may even have a poor immune system hypothyroidism can return to their natural levels in their own time. If there are no other medical issues that can cause hypothyroidism, it would be helpful to follow a natural treatment for hypothyroidism.

Natural treatments such as the use of iodine, selenium and tyrosine are several natural ways to solve problems of hypothyroid. Iodine, which is mostly salt naturally in foods such as eggs, fish, meat, parsley, banana and oatmeal. Iodine can be found also in the form of tablets or using natural sea salt instead of salt. Selenium is a body hormone T3 T4 hormone changes that will increase the production of the hormone. Tyrosine, amino acids, found in many foods such as meat and fish are a by-product of iodine, which create increasing production of thyroid hormones.

If you have concerns about symptoms that may occur, and if you have a slow thyroid, discuss your concerns with your doctor to determine if you have hypothyroidism, hypothyroidism natural cures that will be best for you.

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Symptoms of thyroid disorders-signs to watch out for

About 20 million people in the United States suffer from disorders of the thyroid gland. So many people! The thyroid gland controls metabolism and thus, this is a very important part of the body. So how do you know if you have thyroid cancer? Here's an explanation of some unrest thyroid symptoms and signs to look out for.

There are actually several symptoms of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism total. They both can cause fatigue, muscle weakness, lack of concentration and irritability. Hypothyroidism is because your metabolism is too slow and slows down your body. With hyperthyroidism is due to exhaustion of overactive thyroid. They also can both lead to hair loss and goitre (expansion thyroids).

As you might expect, many of the symptoms of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are exact opposites. Low metabolism leads to weight gain (and hard to lose weight says), dry skin pale skin, cold intolerance, (these are the people who wear a sweater, while everything else is in the t-shirts), constipation, increased menstrual bleeding and decreased libido. Unlike high metabolism leads to unexplained weight loss, warm and humid skin, heat intolerance, increased bowel movements, light or absence of menstrual cycle and increase libido.

Hypothyroidism can also lead to rough, dry hair, muscle cramps and pain, depression, memory loss, brittle nails, high cholesterol and puffiness around the eyes and face.

Hyperthyroidism can lead to rapid heart rate, which can cause, nervousness, insomnia, shortness of breath, trebling hands and excessive sweating. Patients with the disease in the grave, the number one causes of hyperthyroidism, protruding eyeball, red or swollen eyes and eye problems including light sensitivity, blurred or double vision and eye movement.

Children face their own particular problems when dealing with thyroid problems. Children with hypothyroidism can work with slow growth, delays the development of their permanent teeth, delays puberty and poor mental development. Children with hyperthyroidism often deal with hyperactivity, anxiety, accelerated growth and a range of behavioral disorder.

Different patients will display different combinations of symptoms. Furthermore although some symptoms very explicitly specify a thyroid condition, such as WWV, others may show a wide range of health problems. It is therefore important to have blood tests done to analyze the actual levels of thyroid hormones in the patient. If you are experiencing any symptoms listed in this article, it is important to seek professional advice. While there are many different treatments for thyroid problems and many natural, it's always important to determine the exact nature of your condition before starting any course of treatment.

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Hypothyroidism in women-causes, symptoms and treatment

Hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland, a tiny gland located at the foot of the throat does not produce enough thyroid hormones necessary for metabolic activities in the body. Hypothyroidism is more common among women, especially between the ages of 35 and 60 years.

A major cause of hypothyroidism is an autoimmune disease. Other known factors of hypothyroidism in women include medication, iodine, radiation therapy and failure of the pituitary gland. Pregnancy is also a factor, as the body needs increased production of hormones to maintain body metabolism.

Here are some symptoms under active thyroid gland-women 's:

Weight gainIntolerance ConstipationRapid to coldHair lossHeavy driveBrittle nailsSwelling periodsLow sex menstrual arms, legs and face

The first step for the treatment of this disorder is a healthy lifestyle. Lack of proper diet may also help to hypothyroidism. So change your eating habits and eat more foods rich in fiber. Be sure to maintain a proper balanced diet and eat more fruits and vegetables. In addition to drink plenty of water daily. Try to cut down on alcohol, caffeine and smoking. In addition, you must enable body exercises. Simple exercises such as running, walking, jogging and Cycling should be performed regularly to reduce symptoms.

If disturbances due to iodine deficiency, thyroid hormone medication must be taken in accordance with your doctor. Treatment for pregnant women is very important, immediately after discovery of any symptoms. For thyroid hormone medication are advised to contact a physician for appropriate advice before taking any medication.

There are also natural treatments that are effective for the treatment of hypothyroidism. These include grasses such as kelp Iceland moss and bladderwrack. They are a very good source of iodine, a trace element required for the thyroid to function correctly.

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism-causes of hypothyroidism and how to treat it

Hypothyroidism symptoms include: fatigue, feeling cold, depression, daytime sleepiness even after sleeping through the night, lower heart rate, loss of memory, it's hard to concentrate, muscle cramps, weight gain, thin hair, dry and rough skin, heavy menstrual bleeding and infertility. Many of these symptoms can occur normally with old age, so if a person has one or two of these symptoms is probably no reason to worry. However, in the face of more than two of these symptoms should seek medical advice.

Hypothyroidism occurs when an underactive thyroid, in other words when it fails to produce hormones in sufficient quantities to make body function normally. A person suffering from hypothyroidism, if he has a very small amounts of thyroid hormones in the blood.


There could be many reasons why cells do not produce enough thyroid hormone. Below are some of the most common reasons:

Autoimmune diseases: immune system in some people, which protects the body from locust infections might mistakenly cells of the thyroid gland and enzymes for invaders and attacks them. Thyroiditis, is most common in women than in men and can start suddenly or may develop slowly over the years: surgical removal of the authority. Some people may be forced to remove their cancer, because may suffer from nodules, cancer or other serious illnesses. If you delete the entire body, a person will become hypothyroid. If only part of the gland is removed, the patient may be able to produce enough thyroid hormone to maintain proper blood. radiation. Some people with serious illnesses, treated with radioactive iodine, which destroys the cancer. All of these patients can lose thyroid function: Congenital hypothyroidism. Some children are born without this body. Chronic tireoidit. Tireoidit is a chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland, normally caused by autoimmune attack or viral infection. drugs such as lithium may prevent cancers produce necessary hormones. Too much or too little iodine intake. Cancer must have iodine produce enough hormones. Taking too much iodine, but can cause or aggravate hypothyroidism. Pituitary damage. Pituitary gland regulates the production of thyroid hormones. When pituitary tumor, radiation is corrupted or surgery, it is no longer possible to produce this hormone.

How to cure diseases, naturally:

Avoid consumption of soy, because he can do worse hypothyroidism. eat only organically raised meats which do not contain any added hormones. Avoid too much vitamin B3 (niacin). eat Brown algae and other vegetables, which are rich in iodine. Consume zinc and selenium. Consume coconut oil that stimulates cancer. describes 197 times.
Article submitted by: 28 October 2010.

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Monday, January 24, 2011

Hypothyroidism Breakthrough Review

Pharmaceutical company and would like to keep the lid on natural hypothryoidism treatments such as hypothyroidism breakthrough. They don't want to be revealed to the public. They feel content to hand out substances that cure symptom without attacking the cause of this symptom. Learn more about these natural cures this Hypothryroidism breakthrough.

Pharmaceutical companies have benefited from the fact that people with slow memory can now take pills that are supposed to increase their ability to remember important information. They are glad to present state of affairs, one that allows them to take in large amounts of money. They get the money, doling out products which are intended to stimulate the body and remove any "fog" that exists in the brain.

Only in the last 100-200 years doctors have found that many patients complain of being tired, or putting on pounds that they seem unable to lose. Such patients have the disorder, known as hypothyroidism. His appearance reflects the changing habits of society, especially the evolving nature of the average diet.

Recently, a man named Dr. Robert Young worked with doctors at Johns Hopkins for a series of tests. The results of the tests proposed understand hypothyroidism cause. They pointed out that the disorder is the result of the imbalance within the body, the imbalance created for dieting.

Hypothyroidism breakthrough program Unveils method to reverse by highlighted Young Dr. It will help readers on foods that can help a person become free of hypothyroidism unpleasant symptoms. It encourages, eating seeds, nuts, grasses, herbs, roots, grains, fruits and vegetables. Readers of this guide should be sent to the nearest farmer's market and send him or her against the tendency to make regular visits to pharmacies.

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Symptoms of thyroid problem characters or Overactive thyroid

Human thyroid gland is located on the front of the neck just below the thyroid cartilage aka Adam's apple. The main function of the gland is producing thyroid hormones, these hormones are necessary to regulate your metabolism of the body. Thyroid hormones are very important for your body, without it, your body energy cannot be regulated. It also regulates how the body uses other hormones and vitamins and the growth and maturation of body tissues. However, sometimes your thyroid gland fails to perform these functions, this occurs when your thyroid gland, which regulates the metabolism of the organism is not working properly.

What then are the symptoms of thyroid problems? True symptoms manifest differently, depending on the age of the patient. For example in adults, symptoms include difficulty with defecation or constipation, fatigue and exhaustion, poor tolerance of cold temperatures and pain on the wrist. These particular symptoms "hypothyroidism"-a condition where the thyroid gland cannot produce enough hormones. On the other hand may include common signs of "hyperthyroidism" in adults: weight loss, nervousness, shortness of breath, trembling hands, insomnia, palpitations, light or absent menstrual periods in women hair loss and rapid heart rate, among others.

Children with hypothyroidism symptoms: poor performance in school, general weakness, slow growth, in addition to these abnormal characters displayed by the adult patient. That is why it is recommended to diagnose and treat this condition at the beginning of the children, as soon as you start to notice them in your child-but any of these signs may be completely different symptoms of the disease. That's why you need to refer to any anomaly of your physician or qualified healthcare professional.

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism-overactive thyroid cancer in children not too different from adults; children can show how other signs: behavioral problems, performance at school. It usually has a more profound impact infants, symptoms may include: low body temperature, constipation, bad food, slow heartbeat, cool the skin, prolonged jaundice, crying and increases drowsiness. In these circumstances, it is always better to refer to the pediatrician in consultation with the paediatric endocrinologist for secure diagnosis of affected children.

Diagnosing hyperthyroidism is relatively simple. Some of the more obvious physical indicators (e.g., goiter, or certain eye problems) may result in immediate diagnosis. Even if the doctor suspects possibly hyperthyroidism, there is also a simple blood test that can be done. This test measures the patient's TSH levels (simulating a thyroid hormone).

There are three main treatment of hyperthyroidism. Which treatment is prescribed will depend on the cause of thyroid hyper. Antithyroid drugs work by blocking the thyroid gland can do more TSH. This is a simple solution and often works pretty well. Other patients will undergo radioactive iodine therapy. This is still a relatively simple procedure, and if the patient is pregnant, has very little risk. Depending on the patient beta-blockers, as may be prescribed to control symptoms until cure or iodine to take effect.

In more extreme cases, it is possible that transactions may be required. This can be anything from removing the thyroid goiter or portion for a full thyroidectomy. Thyroid drug substitution will optionally remove the entire thyroid gland.

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

10 ways to manage hyperthyroidism

Management of hyperthyroidism primarily aims at reducing secretion of thyroid hormones. Reducing secretion helps reduce symptoms and possible complications. Management includes:

1. drugs: include the use of Anti-thyroid drugs and adrenergic antagonists.

Anti-thyroid drugs: these include Propylthiouracil (PTU) or Methimazole (Tapazole). They are used to reduce the synthesis of thyroid hormones, thereby reducing the symptoms of hyperthyroidism. They should not be used during pregnancy and lactation, because they have the ability to accelerate goitre and cretinism fruit.

Iodine compounds such as potassium iodide, Lugol's solution; or a saturated solution of potassium iodide (SSKI) are also used as additional therapy to reduce the release of thyroid hormones of the thyroid gland.

Adrenergic blockers: these drugs are used as additional medication to control nervous symptoms of hyperthyroidism. They help control anxiety, tachycardia and heat intolerance a. They include propranolol, Guanethidine, and Reserpine. Adrenergic blockers are used in combination with links to prepare a patient to iodide surgery of the thyroid gland.

2. radiation: radioactive iodine (131I) employs destroy tissue hyperactive thyroid. This helps reduce the secretion of thyroid hormones. Before treatment with radioactive iodine patient first processed anti-thyroid drugs for at least 6-18 months. Radioactive iodine should not be used during pregnancy and lactation, because he has the ability to penetrate in the placenta, and it is also secreted in breast milk.

3. Total thyroidectomy Surgery: which is the surgical removal of about 5/6-thyroid gland tissue helps reduce the signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism in some patients for a long period of time.

4. relief of discomfort: comfortable conditions must be provided to the patient. It should provide a cool bath and cool fluids to help support relief inconvenience due to intolerance to heat. Bedding should be changed frequently due to excessive sweating. Light clothes should also be used for the patient.

5. relief of anxiety: the patient must be in a quiet, tranquil and restful environment reduces the nervousness and hyper excitability. Patient and family should be well informed about the causes symptoms and what should be achieved by treatment. Visitors are likely to motivate the patient should be prevented from visiting him, so as not to worsen the symptoms. The patient should be assured that his emotional turmoil will decrease as treatment progresses.

6. self-evaluation: If the patient is very bad, mirrors are invalid in his room so as not to keep constantly, he knew about his poor condition. The patient should be reassured that he experiences the symptoms, which include changes in appearance, weight and appetite gradually disappears as preserve his regime. So the patient need not over burdening himself his disturbing imagery.

7. Liquids and nutrition: the liquid should be increased to replace fluid lost through perspiration, Polyuria and diarrhea. Foods that are high in protein, carbohydrates and calories should be given to prevent tissue breakdown, probably as a result of an increase in metabolic rate of. Vitamins B1 and c should improve the metabolism of carbohydrates.

Avoid stimulants such as coffee, tea, Cola because they increase nervousness. Highly seasoned foods should be avoided to prevent deterioration through increase peristalsis diarrhea.

8. observation: vital signs should be checked at least 4 per hour, with the emphasis on pulse and blood pressure. Adrenergic drugs tend to worsening heart failure. Due attention to the blood pressure will let you know when the condition becomes worse. Weight of the patient should also check and registered daily monitor the improvement in his power.

9. Skin and eye care: protecting against irritation, corneal ulceration and infection, if there is Exophthalmos through the imparting of 0.5-1% methylcellulose which remained in the eyes. This helps prevent drying and has a soothing effect on the conjunctiva. Sunglasses should be worn to prevent the ingress of dust and dirt on the eyes. Pressure areas should be considered for prevention of pressure sore if a patient is confined to a bed.

10. Patient education: dosage, side effects and complications of prescribed drugs should be explained to the patient. He should understand the signs of thyroid storm and conditions that may cause thyroid storm or crisis. Because of the possibility of developing hypothyroidism, as resulting from the use of anti-thyroid drugs prolong or radioactive iodide importance for long-term treatment should be given special attention.

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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Iodine for hypothyroidism: friend or foe?

Iodine for hypothyroidism was controversial, with experts at both ends of the spectrum, arguing for and against using it. But if you have hypothyroidism, or know someone who does, it is important to understand that iodine, is often not the preferred form of treatment and in many cases, it may aggravate your condition.

Before we delve into why this is, you probably thought all the good things you've heard of iodine, so let us explain ...

Your thyroid gland needs iodine functions

Your body does not make iodine alone, this means you must get it through your food. If you don't get enough, you will be unable to make enough thyroid hormones.

Your thyroid gland is dependent on iodine to produce two hormone, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). The figures in these hormones names are actually the token are how many atoms of iodine, T4 containing 4 atom molecules, and then release single before conversion to T3 hormone to the active form.

It is expected that 2 billion people worldwide, including 266 million school-age--iodine intake, [1] and the resulting iodine deficiency is, in fact, the most common cause of hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) worldwide.

If you have iodine diet rich in iodine products then eat algae and even add iodine to help quickly resolve this problem ... but it is important to understand that in the United States not Yoda is a major cause of hypothyroidism, and in many cases, treatment condition with iodine deficiency is the catastrophe of serious health problems.

Iodine is not a major cause of hypothyroidism United States

Levels of iodine in food will vary greatly depending on soil and sea water concentration of iodine. Because of this it can be hard to get enough iodine from diet alone, especially if you live in an area with soil iodine. To fix this, the United States adds iodine most table salt, which means you not only get additional iodine when you salt your food, but also when you eat processed foods, which are usually strongly salted iodized salt.

A lot of animal feed in the United States also are supplemented with iodine in milk products also good food sources of that nutrient.

However, there are signs that the combustion of iodine in the United States is declining, possibly by increasing the number of people, reducing the consumption of salt, but the data from the latest available, studies of national health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2003-2004 showed that most Americans still get enough.[2]

Both in the United States, iodine is not considered a major cause of hypothyroidism, except in specific high-risk groups, such as those not iodized salt, (including food), fish or seaweed or pregnant women.

Nevertheless, cases of hypothyroidism are widespread in the United States, affecting nearly 4 per cent of the population, [3] including 13 million that have not been diagnosed and are unaware they have the condition. [4]

If Yoda is not an issue, what?

The most common cause of hypothyroidism in the United States

Hypothyroidism in the United States, most often the result of autoimmune disease called Hashimoto's Thyroiditis or autoimmune disease that causes your immune system mistakenly attacks and destroy the thyroid gland.

The disease usually begins with your thyroid gland inflammation (chronic tireoidit) that over time lets your thyroid the ability to produce sufficient hormones and eventually leads to underactive thyroid, or hypothyroidism.

The exact cause is unknown, but autoimmune is rather the result of several factors, including:

Virus or bacteria, which launches responseGenetics/family historyGender (women are more likely to be autoimmune) other environmental factors

However, this is an important moment that excessive iodine can also worsen.

Increase of iodine may cause hypothyroidism

Not that the iodine critical nutrient for your body ... but for hypothyroidism, bigger is not always better.

Studies show that give people who have had adequate or excessive iodine intake of iodine can really cause hypothyroidism, thyroiditis.

Studies also show that iodine is actually increases activity of an enzyme peroxidase (TPO) thyroid and increase in antibodies to this enzyme, common in autoimmune patients. This interaction between enzyme and TPO antibodies leads to inflammation and destruction of the thyroid gland. In other words too much iodine can actually make autoimmune worse.

Remember, since the majority of cases the United States autoimmune hypothyroidism disease Yoda, this study can be applied to you ...

Be very careful if your a practicing health care automatically recommends iodine deficiency hypothyroidism

Many practitioners of health care in the United States do not understand the complexity of thyroid function and regularly recommend iodine supplements for people with hypothyroidism. This approach will unfortunately be detrimental to some.

If you don't really have enough iodine, food additives or enhancements then is necessary. But if not, additional iodine rather just cause or worsen your troubles of the thyroid gland.

So if your medical practitioner recommends iodine supplements without any real evidence that you are bad, it's a red flag to note. A second opinion from a practitioner who understands the complex role of iodine in hypothyroidism--and we can discuss with you the benefits vs risks--probably justified.


1. food and Nutrition Bulletin 2008 Sep; 29 (3): 195-202.
2. the thyroid gland. Nov 2008; 18 (11): 1207-14.
3. the thyroid gland. Dec 2007; 17 (12): 1211-23.
4. Archives of internal medicine 2000; 160: 526-534.

Responsibility centre Endocrinology Colorado gives hope to patients with type II diabetes and hypothyroidism by providing alternative ways for care. Founded by Dr. Brandon Credeur, DC and Dr Heather Credeur, district of Colombia, the Centre is located at 4155 E Jewell Ave, Ste 1007, Denver, CO 80222, 303-302-0933,

2010 copyright. All rights reserved. Responsibility centre Endocrinology of Colorado.

Article source:,_D.C.

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Tips to keep your thyroid healthy?

The thyroid gland is the major endocrine glands in your body. It is located in front of the neck. This gland secretes a hormone known as thyroid hormones. This hormone helps with varying your metabolism of the body. This hormone is also important to change your body energy. If you follow some tips you can make your thyroid health. Natural thyroid treatments are more useful and safe.
Avoid beverages like tea, coffee and alcohol because they can disrupt your glandular functions. Always give sufficient care for your diet. To take a lot of fruits and vegetables to keep your thyroid health. Focus on raw vegetables than cooked for a healthy thyroid. Completely Avoid consumption of foods with more fat and sugar you need to detoxify your body, every six months. This helps eliminate accumulated wastes in your body. Switch to herbal products to detoxify your body without any side effects. Eat food, which is very nourishing. They help to extend the functionality of the thyroid gland. Red meat has completely eliminate from your diet. This increases the fat in the body, thereby reducing the thyroid health. Thyroid health also requires to take raw salt.
Some of the above methods, you can also go for herbal products to improve your health. They hurt less and provide fast results. There is always a good nutrition keep your thyroid health. Because the thyroid is an important organ in your body, it is important to keep healthy.

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Monday, January 10, 2011

What types of disease or Disorder keep you from getting pregnant?

I've tried? to conceive for about 2 years now and my m? the doctor said he might want to test to see if I had a disease or disorder that can keep me dry out to have b? (b)?. You can help by making a list and tell me what the side effects and what they do for you?

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Sunday, January 9, 2011