Problem losing weight can be difficult for most people. However, for someone suffering from hypothyroidism, it can be even more complicated because they must work hardest to maintain their current weight.
The condition affects approximately 1% of the world's population, and although it commonly affects older women, it can be diagnosed with both men and women of all ages. A condition can test a simple blood test and depending on the severity of the condition; It may include treatment of substitution therapy. Typically weight gain could be arrested while taking a course of treatment, the patient should expect to increase the weight, if treatment is stopped at any time; This means that treatment is usually required for life after its launch.
Typical symptoms of hypothyroidism include rapid weight gain due to reduced metabolism, average weight gains of 5 to 10 pounds, has experienced, although in General, the higher the weight, the more severe cases. Other symptoms include weakness, hair loss, flaky skin or, feet and hands, feeling cold, reduce heart rate and General tiredness and lethargy of not producing enough energy producers of thyroid hormones.
Although weight loss can be difficult for a person who has been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, it's not impossible if the course of diet and activity. It is very important to conduct regular daily exercise, if it is possible to from 30 minutes to an hour although it should be built up gradually if the patient has not previously taken regular exercise regimes. In the case of someone not been regular exercise regimes be useful to start with 15-20 minutes per day capacity, adding 5 minutes every few days until they reach their recommended time duration.
How stress can also be related to the thyroid gland, it is important that is pleasant too; otherwise, it can also be counterproductive. In cases where implementation can be tricky, for example with the elderly alternative may be to do yoga-make a good combination of stress reduction and gentle. In more extreme cases, meditation is also good for lowering stress.
It's also important to control supply; tiredness and lethargy often cause cravings for sugar, one of the products that really should be avoided, together with products containing high levels of salt.
Food is universally recognized that good for sufferers of hypothyroidism are not processed and contains sources of iodine and selenium. Fatty fish such as salmon and tuna is particularly good as snapper, shrimp and cod. It is also important to maintain a good balance of vitamins B6, C and E, which are required for good health and vitality. This can be found in the white meats such as chicken, pork and Turkey, as well as fresh fruits such as oranges, strawberries and pineapple. Where possible, this is also good to replace fresh and organic pre-packed and processing, as well as enable roots food such as parsnips and carrots.
Natural supplements for thyroid is a product that has been proven to work quickly bringing relief from the troubling symptoms of hypothyroidism, without a prescription needed.