Saturday, January 29, 2011

Symptoms of thyroid cancer among women: hypo-thyroid gland very difficult diagnosis

Diseases of the thyroid gland is often misunderstood leading to the diagnosis and treatment of symptoms of thyroid cancer among women. The majority of patients diagnosed with hypo-thyroid gland and the synthetic form of thyroid hormone. One problem with this that thyroid qualify as its own entity and is not considered part of a greater whole within the endocrine system. Symptoms of thyroid cancer among women are just a bit more proverbial pie.

The thyroid gland is the only part, albeit an important one, delicately balanced endocrine system. Another way to look at thyroid gland is how imbalance data of the endocrine system. The majority of patients taking synthetic thyroid hormones will have big long-term management of their condition.

Take a look at thyroid gland and thyroid function, one must bear in mind that many man-made compounds and naturally occurring ones attack the thyroid gland on a daily basis. It can't be just one of those insults, but the combination, led to a failure in the endocrine system.

Chemicals that cause symptoms of thyroid cancer in women include:
Anti-diabetic drugs
sulfa drugs
Estrogen birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy
Aspirin and salicylate pain killers
Food additives in foods

Alcohol and prescription medications will deplete the body of vitamins. This lack of vitamins B, B6, reduces the availability of iodine for thyroid hormone production.

Soy, some nuts and cruciferous vegetables may help low thyroid function, Hypo-thyroid, if eaten in large quantities. These include, cabbage, kale, broccoli, kohlrabi, mustard, water, Lima beans, sweet potatoes, almonds, walnuts and pine nuts. Industry soy actually recognizes that SOI may decrease thyroid function, but only if there is a decline of iodine (see The effects of environmental and dietary compounds as fluorine, chlorine and bromine change production tireoglobulina. These compounds bind inhibit competitive iodine on follicular cells that decrease quality iodothyronine hormones that are produced, or T4 and T3. This may mean that TSH high, may request the diagnosis of hypothyroid, but produces enough hormone, just poor quality of thyroid hormones. The patient can not feel better with synthetic hormones because they cannot bind iodine. (This does not mean that you have to take iodine, if your TSH high, you must have full thyroid Group urges therefore qualified physician can determine where in this complex system due to disharmony).

Thyroid can also be impacted in a negative way but dysfunction or other imbalances in the endocrine system. Cortisol, sex hormones and insulin can affect the thyroid function. Conditions, including fatigue and decreased adrenal gland, hypoglycemia sex drive can all lead to reductions in thyroid function. As stated above, the function of the thyroid gland is very complex and delicate part of the endocrine system. Disparities in one area may cause stress in other areas; It is the duty of the physician to know where the dysfunction, which should be sent to treatment and reassure the patient that she would feel a noticeable improvement in short time.

View the original article here

1 comment:

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