Thursday, February 10, 2011

Easiest and the best natural remedies for hyperthyroidism

Many natural remedies are effective in controlling the secretion of thyroid hormones and also relieve the effects of hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism is less compared with hypothyroidism, but its effects on health are no less serious and can be fatal. Stimulate the thyroid gland produces more food digestion and reduces absorption that leads to serious weakness and failures in internal organs gradually.

You should avoid all herbs or supplements that have a catalytic effect, because people suffering with hyperthyroidism receive more compact and thinner, so it is expected that health promotion herbs would be useful, but it's not all types of ginseng, Fucus, ashwagandha, wheat grass, Astragalus should be avoided. Lemon balm is an excellent natural remedy, which affects thyroid and calms an overactive gland to reduce the secretion of thyroid hormones. Tea can be prepared for consuming this herb by mixing the two teaspoon herb in a cup of boiling water. Gypsywort grass is another herb that can reassure overactive thyroid gland by reducing the presence of excess mineral iodine. Five drops of tinctures gypsywort herbs may be lost with the usual Cup of water, it must be used three times a day, this remedy can treat and can work as an effective preventive measure hyperthyroidism.

Extremely effective legal protection may be prepared for external use, this remedy is taking an equal number of oak and male Fern root, decoct this mixture with wine vinegar, this mixture can be used twice a day for the area below the throat, this tool external to calming thyroid treatment for hyperthyroidism. Amino acid L-carnitine also reduces the activity of the thyroid gland and works like a good remedy.

Hyperthyroidism can trigger other medical conditions such as insomnia, mood swings and anxiety, bugleweed pills are very good at treating all these effects stimulate thyroid gland. Curcumin is an extract from turmeric, which is very useful in reducing internal inflammation, due to excessive secretion of thyroid hormones, reduced internal inflammation helps in treatment of hyperthyroidism. Taking Omega-3 fatty acids also works well for easy system of immunity and reduction of internal inflammation. One teaspoon herb St. John's mother, mixed with a cup of water three times a day and also removes the effects of excess thyroid hormones in the body. Green tea extracts are also very effective as this herbal supplement is rich in antioxidant properties to oxygenate cells and organs.

Increased consumption of sprouts, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, spinach also help in reducing the activity of the thyroid gland. Avoid alcohol, tobacco and caffeine in any form whatsoever and to completely avoid or reduce the consumption of foods such as milk, butter, wheat, soy and food supplements very supportive as these products could lead to infections and allergies to exacerbate the problem. Completely avoid foods that contain iodine is necessary. Exercise, adequate sleep and rest works as a natural remedies for this problem. You can also use the bubbles with ice on the square below the throat. Mental stress busters like, listen to music, meditation or even prayer help treat hyperthyroidism. Avoid fatty and delicious food and increased consumption of fruit and vegetables more than useful in curing the problem.

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