Friday, February 4, 2011

Refill your thyroid gland

Your thyroid gland is located in front of the neck and is responsible for supporting all functions of your body, including your metabolism. Millions of Americans have been diagnosed with thyroid disease, and most of them suffer from hypothyroidism, which means there is not enough thyroid hormone released do their job. Women are affected more than men and during the last three decades has become epidemic.

The world of natural medicine consider that this epidemic of thyroid problems due to malnutrition, toxins, chemicals and pollutants that are part of our modern world. The foregoing also contribute to obesity, diabetes and chronic diseases, but symptoms often overlooked or brushed off within a stressful life.

The first step in figuring out if you are having problems with the thyroid is to get the level of hormone test, which includes testing your thyroid-hormone known as TSH. If it falls above the normal range, this means the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone and brain requests the pituitary gland to make more of the hormone. Unfortunately knowing TSH levels will not always tell the whole story to what makes thyroid hormones in the body.

Unit tests completely thyroid is important to know not only TSH levels but T4, T3 and Reverse T3 levels and naturopathic physician who will really listen to your symptoms, even if everything looks great on paper. Sometimes support the thyroid is necessary, no matter what numbers speak in your panel test. Many doctors prescribe medications, which are usually synthetic bio identical hormone, which helps those dealing with low T4, but those related to low T3 do well with glandular supplementation.

There are some lifestyle changes and natural remedies that will improve the health of the thyroid gland:

1. Brown algae-because it's full of iodine that helps correctly thyroid function and the consumption of this precious mineral has been dramatically reduced over the years with people cutting back on salt and not eating enough fish. Make sure you know if your level of iodine is too low, but complementary, with good quality kelp or seaweed is an excellent place to start. Another important reason to adopt kelp is because in the early 1970s, Yoda was replaced with bromine in flour products that prevent is absorbed by body by iodine deficiency.

2. avoid vegetable oils-are found in many seasoned citrus soft drinks and made commercial bread which then blocks the uptake of iodine.

3. buy organic fruits and vegetables-especially Strawberry because they covered pesticide called methyl bromide that can affect the thyroid function. Thoroughly wash them or look for shops that offer good organic products.

4. your minimize bromine, which often is replaced by chlorine in pools and hot tubs. Another set of bromine is used as a flame retardant in automotive, furniture, clothing and electronics.

5. eat whole foods at each meal

6. take the time to Diffused body-if you are under constant stress, the adrenal glands to produce hormones of stress, causing insomnia and adrenal fatigue. This can result in damage to the thyroid gland, as your cells cannot absorb the thyroid hormones, you produce. Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night. Listening Meditation CD during the fall asleep help to reduce stress in your body and lighter sleep naturally.

7. Selenium--mineral, walnuts, Brazil nuts, tuna, Turkey and cod. Deficiencies can cause thyroid problems so make sure you get enough of this important mineral additives.

8. delve into yoga positions in yoga on the proper application of the body and can be very therapeutic and restorative whole body pain reduction and maintenance of the thyroid gland in the process.

View the original article here

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