Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Thyroid Blood Test

There are many aspects to consider when it comes to the thyroid gland. Blood tests are the most reliable and accurate method for assessing thyroid function. Many practitioners take only a few aspects of thyroid function, which implies that the other glands and proper functioning of the system. Thyroid blood or thyroid Panel should contain information to determine if there is a primary dysfunction thyroid dysfunction, peripheral or another cancer/systems that must be evaluated. Thyroid blood must contain the following:

Thyroid stimulating hormone is produced which signals the pituitary gland to produce more thyroid T4. Hypothyroid State managed to show low, normal or sometimes border ranges, if fails the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. TSH may be used to determine the primary hypothyroidism, but cannot be used only when screening for secondary hypothyroidism. Although TSH is a useful tool for selecting, TSH suppression not always shows the seriousness of hyperthyroidism.

TSH levels may be affected by some prescription medications, including glucocorticoids as prednisone and-found dopamine in certain antidepressants. TSH levels may also be affected by chronic diseases.
Using the TSH to assess thyroid function, you are assuming that the triangle hypothalamus pituitary thyroid is functioning normally.

Total T4
Gives the number of T4, bound to plasma proteins and free T4. T4 is the principal hormone production and secreted by the thyroid gland.

T3 uptake
Indirect measurement of thyroid binding globulin (TBG). This measures the binding sites of proteins of the thyroid gland, aeration. It looks at if there is a high general T4. If the total absorption of T4 and T3 abnormal and inverse is revised as binding, unless he shows the mean changes in thyroid function.
T3 uptake is low during pregnancy and using exogenous estrogens

Free thyroxine index (T7/FTI)
T7 = total absorption/100 x T3 T4

Free T3
This generally will remain constant, even with increased total T3 and binding proteins

Total T3 (triiodothyronine)
Measures the amount of T3 in serum. Total T3 increases in most cases, hyperthyroidism and usually increase to T4 makes it more sensitive measure of hyperthyroidism. T3 will be low in acute disease and hunger and may be affected by several drugs. T3 usually will remain constant, where binding proteins.

Reverse T3
RT3 has very limited otpornosti.: this is the way to dispose of T4. Hunger and stress will increase RT3. Hypothyroidism decreases, RT3 and T3.

Auto immunity
This includes looking at thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins and antithyroid antibodies antithyroid peroxidase mikrosomnyh assay or anti-TPO antibodies. Autoimmune will show high micosomal antibodies and antithyroid graves will have high thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins. Antithyroid mikrosomnyh antibodies can also be used to predict the sub clinical hypothyroidism, which can progress to complete hypothyroidism.

View the original article here

1 comment:

  1. I do recommend bovine thyroid supplement however it doesn’t work for everyone at the same rate, as nothing does, and some people may respond to it faster than others, which is totally normal.
